Yucatán Kids AC

Year In Review 2023 | Resumen del año 2023

Yucatán Kids logo Yucatán Kids Jan 1, 2024

We are thrilled to be able to share our 2023 year in review with you! It's been an incredible year filled with exciting and positive changes. We can't wait to highlight all the amazing moments and developments that have taken place. Get ready to celebrate with us!

Program Services & Accomplishments

Yucatán Kids A.C. initiated a pilot program for the English students at C.A.I.M.E.D.E.. Our newly hired teachers, Miguel (Mike) and Ricardo (Rich), with the support of our native speaking volunteers, took English lessons beyond the classroom. The goal of this program is to produce confident young English speakers who were well equipped to use their language skills when they aged out of C.A.I.M.E.D.E.. The students had begun the semester by cleaning and painting their classrooms and discussing the importance of a clean, safe working environment.

Images of our English teachers, Miguel (Mike) and Ricardo (Rich)

Our new teachers supervised the children in painting their English Classroom to boost their pride, and involvement in maintaining a clean and organized workspace. Gardening is another activity to connect children with nature by planting edible and decorative plants.

Children painting their classroom and Gardening

Two of Yucatan Kid’s marvelous volunteers, Edgard and Jonathan, held the first of several seminars designed to prepare the children of Caimede to ‘age out.’ Life skills covered include: the importance of English, searching for job opportunities, preparing for interviews, understanding time management, creating personal budgets, and more.

Edgard and Jonathan with children of Caimede

Our English Beyond the classroom program includes conversation groups led by nineteen volunteers from Mexico and several other countries. The small groups focus on speaking and understanding English spoken with a variety of accents. This program also includes monthly outings to places where the children can use English in real-world situations.

Images of outings with children of Caimede

We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our incredible Yucatán Kids family! We appreciate the tremendous contributions of our board of directors, teachers, volunteers, sponsors, and all the individuals who work together to make a positive impact on the lives of underprivileged children at risk. Your support means the world to us!

Image taken at monthly Board of Directors meeting