Two volunteers speaking to a group.

Voices of Impact Continued: Volunteer Testimonials

Yucatán Kids logo Yucatán Kids Aug 29, 2023

"You may feel physically and emotionally drained from an endless working week and the many problems life constantly throws at you, but walking through the corridors of C.A.I.M.E.D.E. on a sunday morning and experiencing the sheer excitement in these kids eyes to see you again, screaming “¡Hola teacher!” all over the place, and throwing away whatever they are doing to run towards you for a hug is revitalizing. It makes everything else worth it, and -personally- makes me want to give them more of me to see their dreams come true… to see them laugh."

- Volunteer Edgard

“A man never stands as tall as when he stoops to help a child. If you can spare an afternoon a week, please consider joining us to enrich your life and the lives of children at CAIMEDE.”

- Volunteer Carol